Jamie Sedgwick

 Jamie Sedgwick 's Books

A very well recieved series by Jamie Sedgwick are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Raven King's Chair, A Dame to Die For, Starfall, Blood and Steam (The Tinkerer's Daughter), The Clockwork God, The Dragon's Breath (Aboard the Great Iron Horse Book 3), Shadow Born, Shadow Rising (Shadow Born Trilogy Book 2), Hank Mossberg, Private Ogre: Murder in the Boughs, The Tinkerer's Daughter, Death in the Hallows (Hank Mossberg, Private Ogre Book 2), The Judge, Killing the Machine (Aboard the Great Iron Horse Book 2), Clockwork Legion (Aboard the Great Iron Horse Book 4), which was published in 2022.